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It consistently ranks in the top 350 on Alexa 2 1337x to1337x is one of the most well-designed alternatives to The Pirate Bay; you can easily filter the different types of torrent files using the button at the bottom of the screen.. The site’s popularity has led to it become one of the most-visited domains on the web.. Yes, torrent sites do facilitate illegal file sharing, but you’ll also find sources for legal torrents to obtain legitimate copyright-free content.. Doing so is intellectual property theft Using torrents for illegal downloads can put you at risk of losing your internet connection, receiving a fine, or even getting a custodial sentence.. 1 RARBGRARBG has become one of the most well-established names in the torrenting world.
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MakeUseOf takes no responsibility for any legal problems you encounter In almost every country in the world, it is illegal to download torrents of copyright-protected movies, games, TV shows, and music if you do not already legitimately own the content.. RARBG also offers a rudimentary but effective way to find new files thanks to its “Top 10” lists across a variety of categories.. You can also get Office for Mac Whether you side with the anti-piracy brigade or the “free movies for everyone” brigade is irrelevant.. It is, however, still searchable through privacy-focused search engines Avoid Google and Bing: 7 Alternative Search Engines That Value PrivacyIs search engine privacy important to you? If so, forget about Google and Bing and consider using one of these privacy-focused search engines instead.. The site focuses on high-quality video releases and has a vast amount of content available.. The Pirate Bay used to the be world’s top torrent site, but a string of legal battles means the site is now a shadow of its former self. b0d43de27c Vista Home Domain Network